This weekend we piled everyone in the car, including the dog, and drove south to Sarasota, to see Grandma, Pepaw, and the gulf.  Seth and I snuck away for a date to the Selby Botanical Gardens, which were excellent and merit a second visit. The kids spent most of the time at the pool, where any trace of Foos’ paternal wasp roots were overcome by a conspiracy between the sun and her mother’s caribbean melanin. I loved it.  We took a backwoods way back home, which made me nervous.  For reasons I cannot explain, I feel ill at ease in America’s open spaces.  The barns and depressed towns don’t conjure up any feeling of nostalgia or even beauty, only of  mild panic and fear. Seeing a Trump sign for the first time displayed proudly on somebody’s lawn, didn’t make it any better. It may as well have said “I hate gays, women, and people of color.”  But we made it back to our nest safely, and I’m sure the only memories which will remain of the visit are of family and love.



Photos: Seth






Another great collaboration between the super talented Alexandra Ni and Seth!  The clothes she designs are so dreamy (looking at you coat in second photo! They make me wish my sewing skills were up to par so I could take on projects like this for myself.  I think I’m going to make that a new goal for the rest of this year –  get a coat pattern I like and make my own.  Putting things out there usually helps me follow through.

Photos: Seth


Repurposed Shirt

Repurposed Shirt-5

Repurposed Shirt-4

I have been keeping up with the Refashioners challenge going on at Makery, in which a bunch of crafty bloggers repurpose a button up shirt any way they choose. After seeing this tutorial by Erin, I tried my hand at making my own. Erin had already done the hard work,  which made it an easy sunday morning project for me. The whole time I was sewing my four year old sat across from me begging for me to stop and play Connect Four.  Bad mom.  Just kidding! She got her game in eventually. I’m very pleased with the way the shirt turned out and will likely try my hand at the other repurposed shirt tutorials.


Photos: Seth



This is a big transitional week for us – we got a new puppy, foos starts school- but it started with a visit from a very familiar face.  April and I met in college (we lived on the same floor) and became fast friends.  She only attended for two semesters, but we’ve kept up with each other now for the better part of ten years.  We always check in, sometimes aggressively, sometimes not. Mostly via letters and drawings, random tokens of shared weirdness.  We’ve kept this correspondence up through moves, marriages, failed pregnancies, her deployment to Afghanistan, the birth of my daughter, my divorce.  In this way April has been there for me through every major occurrence in my adult life, even though we’ve only really seen each other a handful of times since college.  It was only fitting then that she would be present for these ones, too.  She left yesterday and I already miss her like a phantom limb.


an old cigar box I turned into a jewelry box by butchering my nudie books (sacrilege, i know!) and some mod podge, as a gift for April’s birthday.


I baked this carrot cake during the visit. It was the fattest most deliciously satisfying thing I’ve had in a while.  I will definitely be baking this one again.



Nice photos : Seth

Phone photos: not seth.