Bunnies copy


The universe has made me an aunt to a gaggle of dreamy little girls.  My go to gift every year for all of the nieces and nephews are books, because I love books, think they are important, and want them to love books too.  But last year for xmas I made foos a dollhouse the nieces coveted, so I thought this year I would give them something homemade.  I made them bunnies or cats, inspired by this toy anthropologie was selling (methinks mine are less creepy).  These were pretty easy to make and you can modify them however you’d like (I thought about adding whiskers, but got lazy).

For those of you who would like to make these, here is a list of materials I used.  I am also including the pattern I drew (poorly) for the dolls.  The pattern for the bunnies and the cats are the same except for the ears.  The capes come out better if they are at least an inch bigger than I have allowed in the pattern below.  This was learn as you go, but I’m very pleased with the results and christmas texts from my siblings confirm the girls loved them too!


  1. Fabric scraps (seriously, some of these are made of old pillow cases)
  2. Felt (for the cheeks, but could be anything really)
  3. Embroidery floss
  4. Batting or buffalo snow (for the filling)
  5. Scissors
  6. Sewing machine

Poorly Drawn Pattern:

  1. Head
  2. Body
  3. Cape




photos: Seth




Repurposed Shirt

Repurposed Shirt-5

Repurposed Shirt-4

I have been keeping up with the Refashioners challenge going on at Makery, in which a bunch of crafty bloggers repurpose a button up shirt any way they choose. After seeing this tutorial by Erin, I tried my hand at making my own. Erin had already done the hard work,  which made it an easy sunday morning project for me. The whole time I was sewing my four year old sat across from me begging for me to stop and play Connect Four.  Bad mom.  Just kidding! She got her game in eventually. I’m very pleased with the way the shirt turned out and will likely try my hand at the other repurposed shirt tutorials.


Photos: Seth